A quick post for the blogging Footnotians among us: a few tips and tools you might find useful if you want to reference resources on their site.
Who would not like a nifty Footnote member card like this on their blog displaying all of their compiled feetnotes? How about the ability to embed spotlighted documents from the Footnotlian archives?
If you are really a dyed-in-the-wool kool-aid-drinking got-a-tattoo-of-that-little-asterisky-dongle-logo-in-an-unmentionable-location kind of user, you can also embed a widget with the latest news from their site. |
I really like Footnote.com a lot and think they need to make these tools more obvious to users and bloggers. (Disclosure: I won a free year’s subscription last Fall, but that has not colored my koolaid.)
You can find a complete how-to on their site here in a blog post entitled Embedding Footnote Spotlights and Images In Your Blog or Web Site.