From the Boston Transcript
We are glad to note that so many societies and orders of to-day are searching historical genealogy, not to find that the average American’s veins contain a minute drop of royal or noble blood transmitted from England, but in the spirit of preserving the memory of the great though humbly worked out deeds of our ancestors in the gloomy obscurities of the colonies in their forest-shadowed days. Pride in descent from men of the type of our early colonists is, we hold, entirely consistent with our democratic institutions. They were the pioneer Americans, men who under great discouragement and with vast labor planted strong and deep the foundations of the commonwealth. It is worth while to make this fact plan to our present population. There were great men before Agammemnon and there was a powerful country here built up by men of the Anglo-Saxon race before the great immigration movement of fifty years ago began.
New York Times, Mar 15, 1896, Page 5.