

While going through some of the Czech family records I found on Actapublica.eu today, I headed over to the Google Maps to look up a town name I hadn’t heard of before. I might be late for this party, but I found that they had added street view images for the Czech Republic!

My grandfather Josef Vanac’s family lived in House #3 in the town of Zámlyní, and my grandmother Marie Simanek’s family lived in House #6 just down the road in the town of Předmíř. So armed with a fistful of family photos I started “walking” through the towns to see if I could find some of the locations.

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Even though I know the house number in Zámlyní and found the house easily, it looks like much of the home has been rebuilt. (A cousin told me last year that three was still a Vanac relative there until several years ago.)

Simanek Family Home Photo, Predmir, Czech RepublicThe group of family photos I think are from Zámlyní just didn’t make an obvious match at first glance, although you can see a similar building style to most structures in the town. I’ll have to take another crack at it that town later.

But, once I moved over to Předmíř with the photo at right, House #6 jumped right out!

See the street view below for the location today…

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(Note: I tried to set up the current day street view above to the exact angle as the old photo, but you might notice that the view resets to a spot right in front of the house. You can drag the view and move it back to right for a better comparison.)


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    Comment by Marian Pierre-Louis — June 26, 2012 @ 9:26 am

    Love it! I wish everyone would write a blog post like this about discovering an ancestral home.

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    Comment by John — June 26, 2012 @ 9:41 am

    Thanks Marian!

    We have many family photos from a few visits my Grandparents made in the 1930s (with my 5 year old mother!), 50s and 60s, so I’m looking forward to piecing the locations together if I can.

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    Comment by Ezequiel Aguirrw — October 13, 2015 @ 10:16 pm

    hello nice website. I would like to tell you that my great grandmother was named Marie Šimánek. She was married to Josef Šimánek. According to my research her husband and she left Europe in the 1900’s in 1906 to be exact. They took a ship in Bremen Germany heading to Buenos Aires Argentina. The arrived to Argentina on June 7th. The ship’s name was Wurzburg. At that time they declared in the Migration Office they were Austrians. Both of them. Josef was 29 and Marie was 30. I really have doubts about their exact origin as in 1900’s Czech Republic was merged to Slovakia as the Bohemian Realm, an asoccieted realm to the Austro-Hungarian Empire. So although they claimed to be austrians their surname is Czeck. I’m really trying to find more information of that brunch of my family tree. Josef and Marie three years later had a son named José in Misiones State here in Argentina. José married a ucranian girl named Maria Kröpp and they had 6 children. One of those children is Paulina, my granny. hope we can help each other to find out more about our ancestors.

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