While scanning our family photos, I always kind of wondered where this one was taken. On the right is my Great-Uncle Josef Simanek, and he is standing with a woman in front of a beautiful building.
The family came from a village in Czechoslovakia and I believe he later lived in Prague, so I always assumed it was something from that city.
Today I happened upon it and recalled that there was some writing on the back of the photo. Since it is in Czech I broke out The Google Translate and tried to read the writing. I tried many variations of the words, and didn’t really get anywhere beyond the first phrase:
“Kostel sv. Marka celý s mramoru”
“Church of Sts. Mark all with marble”
Seeing his riding outfit made me think he might be on a road trip, which led me to this other photo of him years before sitting on a motorcycle with my 5 year old mother on the back.
(Aside: My most vivid memory of Uncle Joe was on his visit to New York in the 1970’s or so, when he brought us all small gifts from back home. I still have the toy antique car that he gave me.)
Back to “Church of Sts. Mark” – a quick look around the Googles and I immediately found photos of St. Mark’s Basilica in Venice – a perfect match.
St. Mark’s is located just off the Grand Canal in Venice, and was completed in the present form around 1071.A very nice reference on the history of the Basilica can be found over at the Sacred Destinations web site.
I would love to have a motorcycle like Uncle Joe’s (not to mention his cool leather riding outfit) and take a cross country trip as his photo appears to suggest.
I should also add that my sister reminded me that Uncle Joe was an architect – which brings to mind an even more romantic vision of his traveling around post-WWII Europe on a motorcycle visiting architectural marvels.
*My WordPress theme does not seem to like links in photo captions. So, here is a link back to the Wikipedia User Tetraktys, the owner of the contemporary St. Mark’s photo at bottom. It is worth a click, as he has many beautiful photos on his profile.