This simple form should make looking for Priceline Express (PE) deals at Disney Resorts easier when you plan to try multiple searches over various dates.
If looking to compare “regular” Priceline rates to an Express Deal and having trouble finding the various resorts on Priceline’s site, scroll down this page for a table of links that will take you directly to the Priceline search page for each Disney resort.
You can type dates in the fields below or click them for a calendar picker in some browsers.
Then click the Search button.
Enter Dates to Search:
When you click on the Search button, it will open in a new tab that searches your dates in Bonnet Creek and Disney Springs with results sorted from low to high price.
If you have trouble with this search page and/or the Priceline results page working on mobile devices, click on your mobile browser menu and select “Show Desktop site” for each.
If you’re a geeky data type who might like to see an experimental set of charts I created to see if there is any pattern to price fluctuations, give this spreadsheet a shot.
Disney Resort Pages on Priceline
A little while ago Priceline changed its page and URL formats enough to break the resort links that Hotel Canary presents in its popup. That can be annoying, since it is a good idea to compare to Express Deals percent off to “regular” Priceline rates to see how the numbers compare.
Priceline doesn’t make it easy to find all of the resorts directly on their site – but you don’t have to! I created this table of linky-links that will open each resort page where you can select dates and see what they are charging for rooms…
Disney Resorts
NON-Disney Resorts
BONUS: Priceline Tip in Video Format! Welcome to the 21st Century!
Much more info for those who might care
If you are searching Priceline solely for deals at a Disney resort, you want to look in the Orlando, FL locations listed above. (There are also non-Disney resorts in those locations, so be careful.)
You should read up on using some tools to help you identify Priceline Express hotels. This forum post I started on Touring Plans has a general overview and includes some basic info on using the Hotel Canary extension for Google Chrome.
But, PLEASE be careful when booking rooms, as I don’t want anyone to get a non-refundable room they didn’t want. Identifying PE hotels is somewhat of an art and I am just trying to aggregate information from various sources.
The reason for this search form…
I have found that Priceline really makes you work to search. If you change parameters and/or switch between regular Priceline and Priceline Express, you often have to go back and re-select the specific locations you already selected as filters, because Priceline will revert to all of Orlando.
So, for each different search, I end up having to make several extra clicks each time just to search the same locations again. Ain’t nobody got time for that.
For this tool, I simply broke down the Priceline URL and created a form here that uses those settings and the dates you select to mimic the exact filter that Disney Deal Searchers™ want.
You can simply starting and ending dates, then you click a link to open a PE search page.
None of that clickety-clickety-clickety all the time.